

Panel Discussion: An Organic Approach to Growing Jobs

Location : 255-257
9:00 AM
10:30 AM


ReFED’s Roadmap to Reduce Food Waste illustrated the dramatic economic impacts of food waste diversion. Food waste is a resource that can bring value to local communities in the forms of revenue, job creation, business growth, while benefitting the environment. How many composted tons of yard waste or food waste will result in an additional job being created? How many jobs are created through other processing means such as anaerobic digestion? How are other industries economically impacted by the generation of compost such as organic farming, permaculture, landscaping, and reforestation?  How do various approaches to organics processing support job creation? A panel of experts will discuss the impacts food waste diversion has on local economies. Jobs Created and Sustained through Composting Organics. Jobs Created through Treatment of Organics with Anaerobic Digestion. Engaging Underutilized Labor Pools in Handling Diverse Packaged Food Waste Streams.